Sooner than January 1st, stores are already stocked with February items.
Cards, gift bags, stuffed animals, candies, balloons, faux flowers, fresh flowered bouquet arrangements, all bright and multi-colored.

One to two months prior, two rather substantial holidays were recently celebrated in November and December, not to mention those who have their own personal celebrations for being yet one more year older.

There are times where all of us are supremely busy. Our time is so regimented and scheduled to the point, where driving to one destination acrossed town is 20-minutes (which is not in the 5 minutes that you actually have to be there).
There is no fault. Just smashed up time in the variety of ways that a much- valued-minute can be ever so fleeting.

To those who are the absolute fans of these many different celebrations, may your continued brilliance shine on as you plan and prepare for all of these holidays, public or private. You rock! We salute you!

For the rest of us, it's absolutely okay for us to all to let out a collective groan, while we contemplate how we are going to shoe horn anything else into our schedules.
With this said, I'm inviting you to give yourself a congratulatory pat on the back, for having these schedules and all of the timely things that you have to do.

From me to you, here's a well meaning heart-shape on a cream-filled cupcake.
This one is all yours. You are welcome to take a moment to enjoy it.